On February 3, 2023, the California Secretary of State announced that CIPA's referendum on SB 1137 officially qualified for the November 2024 ballot. It also means the law prohibiting new oil and gas wells within 3,200 fee of homes, schools, and hospitals is stayed and cannot be enforced until after the election.
The Stop the Energy Shutdown petition, backed by nearly a million Californians, qualified in record time and will give voters a say on a measure that was rushed through the state legislature at the last minute with little review and no scientific backing. Senate Bill 1137 threatens the livelihoods of over 50,000 hardworking Californians and forces the state to rely on more expensive, imported foreign oil that is completely exempt from California's strict environmental laws.
Click here to see the Secretary of State Certification.
Californians Rush to Sign Petition to Stop Increased Imports of Energy from Foreign Countries (12/12/22)
In less than two months, over 978,000 Californians rushed to sign the Stop the Energy Shutdown petition, which has been turned in to county registrar of voter offices throughout California.
Signature Gathering Begins to Repeal Law that Will Increase Prices at the Pump (10/20/22)
Signature gathering begins to repeal law that is a political war on California's energy workers and producers, costing Californians quality of life and jobs with skyrocketing gas prices.
Contribution Form
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